this is a peer-led online community space where we remember the art of grief-tending and devote to it as a regular practice. we hold this space on the last saturday of each month.
it is not a grief group for just queers or any other singled out identity marker. we so welcome anyone who feels called to join this space, because wow that impulse is so precious. it happens so that by the way we do our grief politics and because it is queer-, trans-, mad- and disabled-led, we are often in majority that aligns with queerness, disability and decolonial struggle, which is so special and we love you.
everyone is welcome. at the same time, marginalised, oppressed and othered experiences will always be centred here. like in toni morrison’s words “i stood at the border, stood at the edge and claimed it as central” – all the edges and borders, all central here.
“i claimed it as central, and let the rest of the world move over to where I was.” 🪨
if you’re not sure what grief-tending is, please check out our